Monday 30 May 2011

Enjoying Life

One of the most amazing people I know, and also one of my favorites, is Keila Carter. Every conversation I have with her seems to bring me one step closer to understanding life.
Last night, we were talking about coping when she said something that has been running through my mind since. She said not to take life seriously. That idea, no matter how ridiculous it sounds at first, kept me up. I couldn't sleep. What she meant was that you'd only be as worried as you let yourself be. And that idea completely tore up so many of the things that I live by... Surprisingly enough taking things the way life threw them at you, and not trying to control everything, is one of the keys to enjoying life. For me, that was one of those things that I couldn't just be taught, but had to experience in order for it to truly make sense. That doesn't mean that you should just live for yourself and take up Epicureanism. It means that we all need to calm down, and learn that we're not the ones in control, no matter how much we wish that were true. That last sentence is inaccurate actually, most of us already know that, we just need to accept it. Once that happens, our relationships will get better. It'll be less about "having" the person and more about being with them.
There is this song by Queen, and Paul Rodgers that starts out with:
"Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everyone has a private world
Where they can be alone"
Those lines are from the song Reaching Out, and they hit home for me. We're too busy being in our private worlds worrying ourselves to death, to let other people in. Heck, half of the time we don't even notice other people.

 Letting people in is getting easier.
Thanks Keila.

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